An introduction to Shopper Marketing

An introduction to Shopper Marketing

Shopper marketing is a key focus for brand marketing due to changing shopper behaviour and the technology led transformation of retail.

Shopper marketing is important for both brands and retailers. The majority of purchase decisions, 82%, are made in-store, and as many as 68% of these decisions are impulse-driven (category dependent).

Shopper marketing is a key focus for brand marketing due to the changing shopper behaviour and the technology led transformation of retail.

Shopper marketing is defined as the practice of using shopper insights to appeal to the shopper's state of mind and positively influence shopper behaviour, resulting in conversion from browsing shopper to product buyer.

Shopper marketing is important for both brands and retailers. The majority of purchase decisions, 82%, are made in-store, and as many as 68% of these decisions are impulse-driven (category dependent). Conversely, in some cases, more than 50% people leave an aisle empty-handed because they cannot find what they are looking for, indicating an opportunity for brands and retailers to improve the shopper experience and convert consideration to sales.

Changes in technology, information overload, and access to information online have driven significant shifts in shopper mindset and behaviour. Therefore, brands and retailers develop marketing campaigns that incorporate ATL, BTL, and shopper marketing to target shoppers more effectively. To be able to do this and to be able to stay ahead of their competition, brands and retailers need to have an insight led understanding of their shoppers.

Developing and implementing a shopper marketing strategy requires understanding who shoppers are, who they are buying for, and how they shop. Insights dictate the shopper marketing strategy by identifying potential triggers along the path to purchase and untapped influential touchpoints. Marketers can then talk directly to shoppers through shopper-specific messaging on appropriate touchpoints along the path to purchase.

Shoppers and consumers are not always the same and are defined by different mind-states. This means that consumer marketing and shopper marketing strategies need to align through a closer collaboration between internal marketing teams involving members from sales, marketing, and procurement.

Messaging used to target shoppers in-store should be tailored to different mindsets and not a direct cut-and-paste from the messaging used in the consumer campaign.

Overall, digital advancements and changes in shopper behaviour have increased shoppers' receptiveness to being influenced by brands. This means that there is more opportunity to be seen by shoppers, appeal and then engage with them and ultimately convert them from shoppers in your category to buyers of your brand.

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About Phillip Adcock

My name is Phillip Adcock: I have more than 30 years of human behavioural research and analysis, and have developed a unique ability to identify what it is that makes people psychologically and physiologically 'tick'.

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Phillip Adcock

Phillip Adcock CMRS
Psychology & Behaviour
Change Consultant

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