Is this You? Science Says it Probably is!

Is this You? Science Says it Probably is!

When it comes to how we feel, although time of day isn't everything, it's much more important that you might think.

Want to make better connections with others? Need less resistance during a key meeting? Want to have more chance of a friendly response to meeting you? Want shoppers and consumers to report better perceptions of your brand? Read on.

Mood is affected by time

Science has discovered that our moods are more predictable that you might think. They have charted the hour by hour changes in how we feel. They use something called the Day Recognition Method (DRM).

What they have discovered was that there is a general rhythmic pattern to how we feel during the average day. In summary we wake up feeling so, so. Then as the morning progresses, our happiness, warmth towards others and general satisfaction levels steadily rise up, until lunchtime.

Then, emotionally we sort of drop off a cliff; dragging ourselves through the afternoon until we start to feel better again towards and during the evening.

Morning is better!

Don’t underestimate the power of this rhythmicity! Quite simply, our ‘work’ brains function better before 2pm. As adults we perform better in terms of logical and analytical thinking in the mornings. Our minds are more alert during this time, too.

Here’s more evidence: over a 4 year period, Danish students scored higher in tests in the mornings than in the afternoons. There’s even a study that shows share prices are linked to this phenomenon too. Also, there is further evidence that reveals there are less complications in medical operations that take place in the mornings and judges are more lenient when handing out sentences.

What does this mean in the world of our work, consumers and shoppers?

The fact is that as business professionals, most of us sincerely believe that we conduct ourselves objectively and rationally. But in reality, such suggested behaviour is no match for our biological body clocks that have evolved over millions of years. That goes some way to explaining the behaviour of others around us, wouldn't you say?

Avoid afternoons

Moods are much more predictable than previously thought. As a result, we can have more control over our communications and so can be more effective in this regard. For example, approach potential new customers in the mornings. Conduct those mandatory, but meaningless internal meetings in the afternoons.

Other activities that are more effective in the mornings include asking for a pay rise, attending a job interview and even making new social connections, whether business related or otherwise.

In terms of things not to do in the afternoons:

  1. Refrain from seeking customer feedback
  2. Avoid handling complaints
  3. Try not to confront your boss about pretty much anything!


Psychology and Neuroscience related insights can transform just about every aspect of our lives both professionally and socially. To think that we and our customers are rational beings in far, far from the truth.

Want to know how your customers really think? What are the most effective ways to motivate and work with your team? How do you get the most out of co-workers and yourselves?

Whatever you'd like to know about the workings of the human mind, let’s talk. Because I have spent 30 years actively digesting books and academic papers about neuroscience and human behaviour. I then apply the insights to commercial consumer and shopper initiatives - I can do the same for you!

The more we learn about the human mind, the more opportunities present themselves. Oh, and the more we realise that there are better, more effective ways of working, for us, our organisations and most importantly, for shoppers and consumers.

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About Phillip Adcock

My name is Phillip Adcock: I have more than 30 years of human behavioural research and analysis, and have developed a unique ability to identify what it is that makes people psychologically and physiologically 'tick'.

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Phillip Adcock

Phillip Adcock CMRS
Psychology & Behaviour
Change Consultant

Phillips Signature

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