Behavioural Science & Shopper Psychology Workshops

Behavioural Science & Shopper Psychology Workshops

Are you ready to unlock the power of Behavioural Science & transform your business with Shopper Psychology-based insights?

These workshop sessions help you as brands and retailers create more impactful and effective shopper interventions. They use a proven 4-step framework that can be applied to just about any product or service.

  1. See: How to use behavioural science to make your shopper facing communications much more attention grabbing.
  2. Appeal: Tap into the psychology that forms the bedrock of making marketing communications more appealing.
  3. Engage: Deploy effective processing fluency tactics that make your in-store messaging easier for shoppers to process, and therefor like.
  4. Buy: Discover the powerful psychological levers that convert interested browsers into paying customers.

From increasing in-store standout to driving brand sales, these workshops will empower you and your team to optimise every aspect of your shopper marketing, both in-store and online.

The ultimate path to purchase

Who should attend

These workshops are designed for retail and brand marketers and for anyone actively involved in category management.

Learning outcomes


  • System 1 – Learn how to communicate with shoppers more intuitively.
  • Imagery - Present shoppers with imagery that connects psychologically.
  • Colours - Discover what colours showcase your brand better than the competition.


  • Emotion - Understand what it takes to emotionally connect & communicate with shoppers.
  • Range & Layout – Use proven behavioural science hacks to make your brand the obvious choice.
  • Multisensory Cues – Increase the appeal of your brand(s) by appealing to more senses.


  • Copy - Use the words you communicate with to maximise the desire for your brand.
  • Fonts - Improve your shopper marketing by using fonts that are more psychologically optimal.
  • Promotions - Get the balance right between added value and how shoppers perceive it.


  • System 2 – Psychologically optimise just how you communicate rational information.
  • Numbers - Make your numbers count by presenting them to shoppers psychologically.
  • Prices - Transform the desire for your brand by optimising your price communications.

Training for you and your team

These workshops can be delivered virtually or onsite for corporate teams. They can be a series of bitesize sessions, or more intense ½ day or full day programmes. For more details or to find out how these workshops can be further tailored to meet your own specific requirements, please get in touch.

Behavioural Science & Shopper Psychology Training

Why consider Behavioural Science & Shopper Psychology Workshops?

More and more retailers and brands are recognising the potential that Behavioural Science offers. We are delivering an ever increasing number of workshops every week, and to an ever wider geographic area, that includes UK, mainland Europe & USA. So if you have yet to consider Behavioural Science & Shopper Psychology Workshops, the chances are your competitors may be ahead of you.

Are you ready to unlock the power of Behavioural Science & transform your business with Psychology-based insights? Let us explain how your customers think & make decisions so that you can engage with them more effectively.

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About Phillip Adcock

My name is Phillip Adcock: I have more than 30 years of human behavioural research and analysis, and have developed a unique ability to identify what it is that makes people psychologically and physiologically 'tick'.

Would you like to know more about how shoppers and consumers think? Download my FREE guide now. Alternatively, check out, where there are more FREE downloads available there. Or why not simply email me with what's on your mind?

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Phillip Adcock

Phillip Adcock CMRS
Psychology & Behaviour
Change Consultant

Phillips Signature

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