Shoppers frequently encounter false claims in the form of consumer advertisements and promises, and brand claims. Repetition may be one way that misconceptions, such as the belief that vitamin C prevents the common cold, enter our knowledge base.
Research on the illusory truth effect demonstrates that repeated statements are easier to process, and subsequently perceived to be more truthful, than new statements.
When it comes to communicating sustainability in-store and online:
- Say it, say it again and say it yet again - The more times you can expose shoppers to your sustainability credentials, the more they will buy into them.
- Take home beliefs – Bear in mind that shoppers see your brand in-store say once a week, but if they take it home, they’ll see it much more. How can you use that to leverage the illusory truth effect?
- Don’t mix your truths and avoid ‘greenwashing’ – It’s easier to repeatedly make the same claim that to try and persuade shoppers using a series of different aspects.
With a little help from the illusory truth effect, you can improve in shoppers minds what your brand environmentally stands for; what it is famous for.